Clean Energy News

Jul 27, 2024

SolBid Customer Highlight - Hickman & Sgroi

January 6, 2017

Category: news


SolBid customer highlight: Hickman & Sgroi Electric, Inc. of Springfield, MA.

Hickman & Sgroi is a premier full service residential, commercial and industrial electrical contractor serving customers in greater Springfield MA.  

System is a 24.3kW Solar Energy System featuring (90) Canadian Solar 270W modules.


*(23) AP Systems YC1000 micro-inverters were used to maximize power production and return on investment.

 *Everest Solar Systems CrossRail mounting system was used for the sloped roof configuration.



This PV system will dramatically reduce Hickman & Sgroi's electrical costs for their business, providing a substantial return on investment, all while doing their part to protect the environment.




Created By:Solbid Inc.