Engineering and Applications

Comprehensive solar engineering

SolBid offers comprehensive project engineering services, fully licensed providers across all 50 U.S. states, along with utility and incentive application management, from submission to approval. Kick off projects in the SolBid platform with the push of a button.

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Professional engineers develop detailed permitting plans to ensure code compliance and minimize development risk

  • Detailed electrical engineering construction plans for utility and AHJ approvals
  • Structural engineering analysis, report and certification for roof-mounted energy systems
  • Civil engineering and planning board meeting representation for ground systems

Applications and approvals done for you

Utility Interconnection Application Process Management
  • SolBid will submit, track, and manage utility interconnection applications to obtain system approvals.
Solar Incentive Application Process Management
  • SolBid will submit, track, and manage solar incentive applications as available to specific projects.
Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sales
  • SolBid will establish solar REC aggregation and sales for projects in viable markets with its national REC partner SRECtrade.